Saturday, July 12, 2008

How Does Tiffany Know the Jonas Brothers?

I don't.


However, I'm going to guess that the person who asked this question didn't mean me.

My first thought was that the question referred to 80s singer Tiffany, because she's the only Tiffany I recall having gone by only her first name.

I suggested that to my daughter, and she said, "Who is Tiffany?" She's 12 and dead center for the Jonas Brothers demographic, so I had to rethink that. In fact, I couldn't come up with another possibility (still really sure they didn't mean me), so I did some Googling myself.

I came to the conclusion that the question related to singer Tiffany Giardina. My daughter hadn't heard of her either, and she was a little edgy about that fact, but it turned out that her music wasn't bad, and she's got a little video on her MySpace page in which Kevin Jonas calls her "our best friend". I suspect a slight exaggeration, but her bio says that she grew up with the Jonas Brothers (there's your answer, if that's what you're looking for).

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