Sunday, July 27, 2008

If Prostitution Was Legal, Would There Still be Rape?


No question.

You see, rape--or at least, some rape--isn't about sex at all. It's about violence, power, control, force, anger...things that aren't as easily satisfied by renting someone's body for the evening as mere sexual frustration might be.

Here is some more in-depth information about the causes of rape: Causes of Rape

Some will argue that all rape is about violence rather than sex, but I do not believe that research or statistics bear that out. Changing culture over the past few decades has brought about a higher incidence of the type of rape commonly described as "date rape" and a greater likelihood of rape being reported, and with that new information new layers of complexity have appeared.

In any case, it's clear that the rapes that are motivated by violence toward women will not be eliminated by making sex more readily available through legalization of prostitution.

Even where it is about sex, or partially about sex, it's often about SPECIFIC sex (in particular, sex that a rapist feels was in some way "promised" and then not delivered); thus, the availability of an alternative would likely have little or no impact on the in-the-moment reaction.

Further, it is worth noting that in today's society, sex IS fairly readily available. Many accused rapists are young, attractive, well-to-do, and not at all likely to be unable to find sexual release without force. Thus, if it were simply a matter of providing an easily accessible alternative, the problem of rape would largedly have been solved by cultural evolution over the past few decades.

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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think it's about man stupid and bad wishes to fulfill,I hate this.

Anonymous said...

I think it's about man stupid and bad wishes to fulfill,I hate this.

Anonymous said...

well i dont think there will be rape then

Anonymous said...

Even in countries with legal prostitution there is still rape, unfortunately. Most rapes are not about lust they are about power and control.
I believe there would be less rape however, and less of alot of other bad things. There would be less drunken drivers, violence and illegal drug use as a man has somewhere to go with his frustration; a decent hooker is worth every penny.


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